LEAP International Food Day gave students a chance to sharpen their English skills while sampling delicacies from around the world.
Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku will discuss "Physics of the Future" as part of Wright State's Presidential Lecture Series and Honors Institute on March 19 at the Nutter Center.
Excerpt Wright State University associate professor Lisa Kenyon is bringing fun back into the classroom. Kenyon said the curriculum she helped develop at Northwestern University gives students a hands-on approach to learning. IQWST — Investigating and Questioning our World through …
The Wright State College of Nursing and Health will celebrate its 40th anniversary with a symposium on “The Art and Science of Nursing,” a lecture by nursing expert Lorraine Wright and a reception on March 20.
Tips on how to start a literary magazine, become involved in the local literary community and launch a career in creative writing came out of a panel discussion at Wright State University for aspiring writers.