Explore Wright State Day

Residence Life and Housing

Chance McNelly

When I was making my college decision I chose to live on campus because I wanted to get the full college experience but I had no idea how much of a positive impact living on campus would have on me through college. Now that I am finishing up my junior year at Wright State I can confidently say that on campus housing has been a great experience that has helped me grow as a person. On campus housing is extremely convenient for college students because everything is within walking distance you don't have to worry about traffic or your commute. Not having spend time driving to campus everyday has given me extra time to sleep, study, complete homework, and relax. Another great thing about on campus housing is you can build a great group of friends and always be apart of a community. For new and even returning college students it is extremely important to have a great group of people to support you and that you can hang out with.  

On campus housing also gives students the opportunity to grow as an individual because it gives you the ability to become independent. College is a huge growth experience so it is extremely important to grow as an individual and learn about yourself which is easier to do with on campus housing. To anyone considering on campus housing I would recommend it because of all the opportunities that it provides.