Winter Break Policies and Procedures
2024 Winter Break Closure
Residence Halls will be closed from Friday, December 13, 2024 at 7 p.m. until Sunday, January 12, 2025 at Noon.
Winter Break Closing Information
Hamilton Hall, Honors, and the Woods Communities
All residence halls (Hamilton, Honors, and the Woods) are closed for Winter Break. The residence halls are only accessible to residents who sign up for Winter Break Housing. You do not need to remove your belongings; however, we recommend that you take home items of value. Please make sure to complete the following checklist prior to leaving for winter break:
- Clean room/bathroom – place all trash in dumpsters
- Clean fridge (do NOT unplug) – remove all perishable items
- Clean all small personal appliances (please UNPLUG)
- Close and lock your window
- Clear off window seat (Hamilton Hall only) – air filter will be replaced during break
- Turn the heater to low and/or set to 60 degrees
- Close curtains and turn off lights
- Lock your door
Residence Hall Winter Break Housing
You have the option to stay in your current room during winter break (December 13 - January 12). The cost for winter break housing is $300. The winter break housing fee will be billed to your Bursar account. To reserve your space, complete the winter break form; access this form in the housing portal via WINGS Express.
Terms and Conditions of Winter Break Housing
- Winter break costs $300. The charge will be billed to your Bursar account.
- Your 2024 Fall Semester housing bill must be paid in full or a payment plan arranged with Enrollment Services, or your request to stay during break may be denied.
- Honors and Woods Residents can pick up break keys at The Hub, located at 2000 Zink Road (on campus near the Village apartments) between November 18 and December 13, between the hours of 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Make sure to bring your photo ID to pick up your key.
- Hamilton residents will have their Wright One cards reset for access.
- Doors in all buildings will be locked 24 hours a day.
- Housing and maintenance staff may be entering all rooms during the break period for the purpose of conducting preventative maintenance.
- Evacuation assistance for residents with disabilities will be limited during the break.
- Any student breaching building security will be subject to disciplinary action.
- You must be enrolled in spring classes to reside in campus housing for winter break. The deadline to register for spring classes is Thursday, December 12, 2024.
- All policies in the Campus Housing Policies, the Student Code of Conduct, and Campus Housing Terms and Conditions will be in effect and will be enforced during the break.
Sign Up for Winter Break Housing
You can also sign up by:
- Log into WINGS with your Campus Username (w000abc) and Password.
- Select Student.
- Select Housing.
- If you need assistance logging in, contact the Help Desk at 937-775-4827.
- Submit the required prepayment to complete your application process.
Apartment Winter Break Housing
Housing over winter break is included with your apartment housing agreement. There is no additional fee nor do you need to register to stay during winter break.
Winter Break Move-Outs
If you are not returning to the university, you must complete the “Are you leaving us form” found on the housing website to have your agreement canceled.
- Forest Lane & Hamilton Resident – a check-out packets at the service window. You must complete your move-out and return keys no later than Friday, December 13 at 7 p.m., to the Community Center (under the water tower) at the package window or drop box.
- Woods, Honors, Village, College/University Park Residents - check-out packets are available at The Hub. You must complete your move-out and return keys to The Hub no later than Friday, December 13 at 7 p.m. The Hub is located at 2000 Zink Road, on campus near The Village. There is a drop box located to the left of the main entrance.
- Residents who are graduating - To allow our graduating residents the opportunity to participate in commencement, you will have until Sunday, December 15 at 7 p.m. to return keys to their appropriate office.
Failure to complete your move-out by the deadline will result in a lock change and additional fees.
Registration for Spring Semester
As a reminder, you must be enrolled in classes to reside in campus housing. The deadline to register for spring classes is Thursday, December 12, 2024. If you are not registered, you will be required to move out no later than December 13, 2024.
We will begin checking rooms for belongings on Monday, December 16. Failure to complete your move-out by the deadline will result in a lock change and additional fees.
Winter Break Maintenance
During the winter break closure, staff may enter rooms to complete work orders, conduct inspections, and complete preventative maintenance. Should you have any maintenance requests, please submit them through the online maintenance form.