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Financial Aid

External Scholarships

photo of students walking outside on campus

On this page:

About External Scholarships

An external scholarship is a scholarship granted to a student from an external donor—for example, a high school, church, or club.

External Scholarship Opportunities

Wright State University does not post individual external scholarships. Instead, we encourage you to review the list of scholarship foundations and free scholarship search engines listed below.  Wright State does not endorse any services or products affiliated with or linked to these pages.

If you have any questions about application instructions or deadline dates, please contact the donor directly.

Recipients of Post 9/11/Chapter 33 GI Bill benefits, please contact a VA Certifying Official in the Veteran and Military Center before applying for an external scholarship to determine how external scholarships may impact your eligibility. Not all scholarships are refundable.

Scholarship Foundations and Local Scholarships

Free Scholarship Searches

Several companies claim they will find exclusive scholarships tailored for you if you pay them a nominal fee, when in fact you can find the same information on your own for free.

Visit the following free online scholarship searches. Wright State cannot guaranty the accuracy of information provided on these sites.

Sending Awards to Wright State

Payment to Student's Account

External scholarship award(s) can be dropped off in person at Enrollment Services or can be mailed to:

Office of the Bursar
Wright State University
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy.
Dayton, OH 45435-0001

Please make checks payable to Wright State University. If the check is made payable to the student, the student must endorse the check. Unendorsed checks will delay payment of the award to the student's account. Please include the student's name, University Identification Number (UID) or last four digits of their Social Security Number on the check or a letter attached with the check to ensure it is posted to the correct student account. 

External scholarship funds will not be credited to a student's account until the check has been received by the bursar's office. The full amount of the scholarship check will be applied to the current term for which the student is registered. The bursar's office does not hold funds to disburse over future terms. If the donor would like the scholarship to be split between two semesters, separate checks need to be mailed prior to the Fall Semester and Spring Semester fee payment due dates.

External scholarships cannot be designated to pay for specific fees (for example, books, tuition, housing, etc.). External scholarships are posted as a credit on the student's account and any excess funds will be issued to the student in the form of a refund. External scholarships are applied to a student's account regardless of their registered hours. If the donor requires the recipient to be full-time, the donor needs to request the student provide proof of full-time enrollment prior to the check being mailed to Wright State. If the student does not enroll at Wright State, the scholarship monies will be returned to the donor.

NOTE: External scholarships are considered part of the student's financial aid package, and the external scholarship award(s) may effect other types of aid already awarded to the student. Upon receipt of an external scholarship check, the Office of Financial Aid will record the external scholarship as an additional resource and check for over-awards.

If you are receiving Post 9/11/Chapter 33 GI Bill benefits, please contact a VA Certifying Official in the Veteran and Military Center before applying for an external scholarship to determine how the scholarship may impact your benefits. Not all external scholarships are refundable.

Student/Donor Relationship

Wright State University believes any award granted to a student by an external scholarship donor is an agreement between the student and the donor. Wright State University encourages all communication and inquiry requests take place between the donor and the student (for example, grades, proof of registration, billing statements, eligibility, payment dates and amounts, etc.). On a case-by-case basis, Wright State University will attempt to provide assistance when communications fail between student and donor.