Explore Wright State Day

Residence Life and Housing

Wright Path Housing

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Why Join the Wright Path?

Students love their housing options at Wright State. They are comfortable, convenient, and what you see is what you get.   

A Wright Path resident means you go to classes at your community college, but come home to Wright State. You live in the same community as other Wright State students, so you have more opportunities to meet people. You can also get to know other Wright Path students by participating in a Wright Path living-learning community. 

Apply to Live at Wright State

  • Join the Wright Path program.  
  • Once you're accepted into the program, visit your Wright Path portal and complete a Wright State housing application.  
  • Meet with financial aid staff at your community college to understand your available housing funds. If your financial aid will not cover Wright State housing, you have the option to pay Wright State directly. Payment plans may be available. 
  • To be eligible to live in Wright State campus housing, you must be in good financial, academic, and judicial standing at your community college. 
  • Wright Path students are eligible to utilize RaiderCash as meal plans are not available to Wright Path students.
  • Wright Path students are required to provide their own transportation to and from their partner institution.

Residence Hall Costs

Campus Community Room Type Semester
Room Rate
Per Month Rate
Divided over 4 payments1
Hamilton Super Single $2,953 $738.25
Hamilton Double $2,516 $629.00
Honors Super Single $4,078 $1,019.50
Honors Double $2,516 $629
Woods Single $3,709 $927.25
Woods Super Single $4,082 $1,020.50
Woods Double $2,516 $629.00
Woods Double Deluxe $2,953 $738.25
Woods Triple $2,196 $549.00

1Does not include dining or parking permit

*limited availability for single rooms as they are the most popular.

Apartment Costs

Campus Community Room Type Semester Room Rate Per Month Rate
Divided over 4 payments1
College Park Quad $2,287 $571.75
College Park Renovated Quad $3,661 $915.25
Forest Lane Studio $2,615 $653.75
Forest Lane Small Two Bedroom $2,735 $683.75
Forest Lane Large Two Bedroom $3,009 $752.25
University Park Quad $2,287 $571.75
University Park Double Occupancy Quad: Single $1,830 $457.50
University Park Double Occupancy Quad: Double $1,333 $333.25

1Does not include dining or parking permit