The assessment usually takes two hours with the goal of providing the person and family with a diagnosis and recommendations.
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Caroline Cao's company was awarded $150,000 for developing a radiation-free alternative to X-ray imaging during endovascular surgery.
Currently members of the military are required to live in Ohio in order to qualify for in-state tuition.
"I’m not sure that the Wrights could have done what they did if they hadn’t grown up in Dayton, Ohio,” said Amanda Wright Lane.
Sean Fitzpatrick is the managing director of North American research solutions at LexisNexis Legal & Professional.
About 15 to 20 Wright State students can benefit from the tool found in two dining halls.
For the first time since 2011, the budget showed a positive balance, meaning the university didn’t spend more than it brought in.
Under the deal, faculty union members can also be furloughed for one day per semester and workload and layoff language will remain the same.
The Raiders will take six players NCAA regionals May 13-15 at Palouse Ridge Golf Club in Pullman, Wash.
Wright State’s baseball, women's cross country, women's tennis and women's volleyball teams were honored.