“I was dependent on someone passing away which is a heavy thing,” Brandon Hayes said.
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“This is nothing against the league — the basketball part was fun, and it was a beautiful town — but the reason I left Wright State was to play at a higher level and push myself.”
The Robert Morris Colonials weren’t the pushovers everyone expected, at least not at first.
The university has received more than 6,000 applications from high school seniors, a 6.9% increase from the same time last year.
Though the Trotwood-Madison grad has earned respect around the league, his production doesn’t quite measure up to the standards of past winners.
The facility would replace Fairborn’s existing YMCA and be located on undeveloped university property along Colonel Glenn Highway.
Wright State is still looking to fill its provost position, after more than two years of working with interim provosts.
The Raiders have dropped to fourth place behind Northern Kentucky, Oakland, Youngstown State and Detroit Mercy.
"Two doses of an mRNA vaccine is really not effective against omicron. But if you throw in that third dose, we’re talking about 95% vaccine efficacy against severe disease."
“When you coach this long, you have great victories, and this is one of them for sure.”