Holiday closure

Winter Break: Monday, December 23 through Wednesday, January 1
Wright State University administrative and academic offices will be closed.

Human Resources

Parental Leave

Wright State University will grant a paid leave of absence to eligible university staff upon the birth or adoption of a child under the age of six. Parental Leave is available to employees who:

  • are birth or adoptive parents;
  • have completed a minimum of one year of service as a Wright State University employee prior to the date the leave is to commence, and
  • work full-time based on the most recent 12-month period; full-time criteria for parental leave is 75% FTE or greater. 

Birth mothers are eligible for up to six weeks of paid leave. Fathers and adoptive parents are eligible for up to three weeks of paid leave. Parental leave begins on the actual date of birth, or for adoption on the actual date physical custody is obtained. Parental Leave is not intermittent, and may only be taken immediately following the birth or adoption. Parental leave is regular pay and therefore is not extended for holidays, snow days, closure days, etc.

Parental Leave will run concurrently with any leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), except that should an employee’s Parental Leave entitlement exceed his or her FMLA leave entitlement, the Parental Leave will be granted in its entirety. Parental Leave will run concurrently with leave required by the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA).

Employees should request Parental Leave at least 30 days in advance, on the Leave Request Form (PDF) with a copy forwarded to Human Resources Benefits. Upon making a request for Parental Leave, the employee will be required to provide documentation to support the impending birth or legal placement of a child.

Questions concerning eligibility should be directed to Human Resources Benefits at or 937-775-3399.