Holiday closure

Winter Break: Monday, December 23 through Wednesday, January 1
Wright State University administrative and academic offices will be closed.

CaTS | Information Technology

Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys

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About Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys

Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys is an online course evaluation system that integrates directly with Pilot to ensure anonymous student feedback for instructors. 

How do I access faculty evaluations?

Faculty can access course evaluations from within Pilot.

For PDF instructions on how to access the results of your online student evaluations, please download one of the PDFs linked below:

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What is the course evaluation schedule?

Event Timeframe*
Online student evaluations are available Last full week of classes (not finals week)
*Summer semester evaluations will run last week of class (no finals week in Summer)
Final grades are due Wednesday after finals week (noon)
Online student evaluations released to faculty 2 business weeks after all course grades have been submitted for a given semester (some courses run longer than the traditional semester)

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • If I want to give time in my class for my students to complete the online evaluation of my course, what do I tell them to do?

    Have the students either access their online evaluation through the email they were sent OR have them log into Pilot where a pop-up will appear allowing them to directly access your class online evaluation during the last full week of classes (not finals week).

  • What are the benefits to transitioning to an online course evaluation system?
    • Students have more time to complete thoughtful responses and provide meaningful comments.
    • Faculty no longer have to take class time to allow students an opportunity to complete their evaluations.
    • Faculty will receive student evaluative comments much more quickly. Reports can be distributed shortly after grades are submitted since there is no need to scan scores and type comments.
    • The University will see savings in time spent processing scantrons and converting hand-written comments into digital format.
  • How do I increase my response rates?

    There are numerous ways to increase your response rates.

    • Encourage your students to complete the evaluations. Students need to know that you value their input and that completing the evaluations is worth their time.
    • Set aside time during one of your classes during the last week of the semester (not finals week) for students to bring their laptops or mobile devices to class and then have someone proctor the in-class evaluation process.
    • Consider providing “extra credit” to students who complete the evaluation by a set time.  When students complete an evaluation they receive a certificate of completion that they can provide to the faculty member.
  • Can faculty ask additional questions on the evaluations?

    No. The evaluation questions were developed by faculty and have been approved by administration and AAUP-WSU. For a list of evaluation types, see What are the new student evaluation questions?

  • Who will have access to the results of my course evaluations in Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys?

    The results in Watermark Course Evaluations & Surveys will be made available to the faculty member and to the Chair and Dean to which the course is assigned.

  • What are the new student evaluation questions?
  • Whom do I contact if I have more questions about the process or if I have difficulty accessing my response rates or results?

    Questions about the process should be directed to the Office of the Associate Provost for Faculty and Staff Affairs.  Issues with accessing results should be directed to the CATs Help Desk.  Faculty are also encouraged to consult with their union representatives regarding any aspect of the process.

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