Human Resources

2025 Benefits Open Enrollment: How to Enroll

On this page:


All benefit-eligible employees MUST enroll or waive healthcare coverage via WINGS Express, November 1-14.

You will need to elect your Healthcare plans (or waive) in Step 3 and you will need to assign any dependents (spouse and/or children) in Step 4 for each Healthcare plan selected.

Online enrollment is a 5-step process:

Step 1: Review and/or print your current 2024 benefits
Step 2: Verify your current dependents and add any new dependents
Step 3: Choose your 2025 healthcare elections or waive coverage
Step 4: Link your dependents to your 2025 elections
Step 5: 2025 Benefits Summary

Instructional Options

You have three options available to help you through the enrollment process.

  1. Follow the step-by-step instructions in the Open Enrollment Process section below.
  2. Download the 2025 Online Enrollment Instructions Step-by-Step (PDF) document. It includes screenshots of the steps.
  3. Receive in-person assistance from HR at a computer lab on campus.


  • Review confirmation emails after submitting your elections.
  • If you don’t receive a confirmation email, your elections were not received.

Preparing for Open Enrollment: Getting Started


Log in to  WINGS Express


At the Main Menu, select EMPLOYEE


On the Employee Menu, select BENEFITS AND DEDUCTIONS



You are now ready to begin your 5-Step Online Enrollment Process. 

As you move through the steps and online screens, instructions and comments highlighted in red appear at the top of several of them.

You will advance through the screens by “clicking links” at the bottom of them, most of which are located in the middle of the screen.

Open Enrollment Process


Health Benefits Summary – Current

View and print current benefits

  1. Click on Step 1.
  2. Your current healthcare elections are listed in the Health Benefits Summary. Print or save as needed.
  3. Your life insurance and short-term disability elections are listed at the bottom of the screen. Changes made to these benefits require a paper process. Forms must be submitted to HR by the open enrollment deadline.
  4. At the very bottom of the page, click Close to return to the Benefits Enrollment screen.

Beneficiaries and Dependents    

Verify your dependents

  1. Click on Step 2.
  2. You will see yourself and any current or previous eligible dependents for healthcare.
    1. Note: This list can include dependents previously enrolled in your health care plan(s) or who are designated as life insurance beneficiaries. These dependents can't be deleted. Dependents on this screen do not mean they are being included in your medical, dental, and/or vision benefits.
  3. If a Social Security Number is blank, please enter the number.
  4. To add a new dependent, click the Add a New Person link in the middle of the page and enter the requested information. Submit the new dependent by clicking Submit Changes.
  5. Please disregard the College Status field; it does not impact your or your dependent’s eligibility for health care coverage.
  6. Click Return to Benefits Enrollment to return to the Benefits Enrollment screen.

Healthcare Elections

Choose your healthcare elections or waive coverage

  1. Click on Step 3.
  2. You will see two sections: Health (includes Health Savings Account) and Flex Spending.
  3. Click Health to make your medical, dental, vision, and health savings account elections.
  4. Click the medical plan you want to enroll in (HDHP, PPO 80/20, or Blue HPN). If waiving coverage, click Health Waived (toward the bottom).
  5. Make your coverage level selections (employee only, employee + child(ren), employee + spouse, or employee + family) by clicking the appropriate button in the far-right column titled My Choice”.
  6. Click Add Choice at the bottom left side.
  7. Repeat the above steps for dental and vision. If waiving dental and/or vision, click Waived Dental or Waived Vision (toward the bottom).
  8. To contribute to your health savings account:
    1. Enter your desired Employee per pay amount in the first box.
    2. Enter your Total Employee Contribution (annual amount) in the second box.
      1. For example, if you contribute $100 ($50 biweekly) a month, enter this amount in the first box.
      2. For the total, if you want this amount to continue for all 12 months (or 24 weeks), then enter $1,200 in the second Box. Deductions will be in place for January through December.
      3. If you want to frontload your contribution and only want $100 ($50 biweekly) for five months, then enter $500 in the second box. Deductions will only occur from January through May.
  9. Once you have completed your Healthcare plan elections and, if applicable, HSA elections, click Open Enrollment in the middle of the page and return to the Healthcare Elections page.

Flexible Spending Account Designations

  1. Click the Flex Spending title and work through the steps below if you want to contribute to one or both of these two benefits. If you do not want to contribute, click Complete.
  2. For Dependent Care Flexible Spending (Daycare Expenses for Eligible Dependents)
    1. Enter your desired per-pay amount and click Add Choice.
  3. For Healthcare Flexible Spending (Eligible Healthcare Expenses for You and Eligible Dependents)
    1. Enter your desired per-pay amount and click “Add Choice.”
    2. Typically, elected by PPO 80/20 or waived participants.
    3. You can be an HDHP participant if you choose or cannot receive the HSA. Please email to discuss and ensure HR is aware of this decision to stop the Wright State HSA contribution.
  4. After you have made all your selections in both the Health and/or Flex Spending sections, click the Open Enrollment link in the middle of the page, returning to the screen titled Healthcare Elections.

Once back to the main screen within Healthcare Elections, you will want to review the information now appearing under Health and Flex Spending:

  1. Under Health, you will see:
    1. A medical plan starting in the new year or waived.
    2. A dental plan starting in the new year or waived.
    3. A vision plan starting in the new year or waived.
  2. Under Flex Spending, you will see:
    1. Dependent Care FSA will be started in the new year or nothing if not elected.
    2. Healthcare FSA will be started in the new year or nothing if not elected.
    3. And if neither is elected, you will see “no choices made in this group.
  3. Please review this page
    1. If correct, then click Complete.
    2. If incorrect, re-enter the appropriate section to correct.
  4. To finalize, you must click the Complete button on this screen before moving to Step 4.
  5. Once you click Complete, you can then click the Return to Benefits Enrollment link at the bottom center of the page, to return to the Benefits Enrollment (the five-step page) menu.​​​​​

Coverage and Allocations Summary

Link your dependents to your healthcare elections

  1. Click on Step 4.
  2. At the top of the page, click Jump to Bottom. Once you are at the bottom, you will see the offered benefits.
  3. For each healthcare benefit you elected in Step 3, you will need to individually click Coverage Details. Once selected, a second screen will appear listing yourself and if applicable, your dependents.
  4. If you waive coverage for all three benefits, each benefit will be listed as waived, and no further action is required in Step 4.
  5. You want to ensure that everyone you want to cover in 2025 is listed and the box labeled Choose Benefit is checked. You will need to review the BEGIN DATES and END DATES.

Begin Date:

  1. If continuing in the same plan, a benefit BEGIN DATE exists with an END DATE—you need to remove the END DATE only for everyone who will be enrolled in your 2025 plan.
  2. If you are moving to a new plan, enter 01/01/2025 as the BEGIN DATE, and the END DATE should be blank for everyone who will be enrolled in your 2025 plan.
  3. If adding a new dependent, enter 01/01/2025 as the BEGIN DATE, and the END DATE should be blank.

End Date:

  1. If someone (e.g., spouse or child) is covered today and you want to discontinue coverage in 2025, the END DATE should be reflected as “12/31/2024.”
  2. Click the Choose or Update Button
  3. You will see the message “Successfully updated” on the far right.
  4. Once the first benefit is complete, click Coverage and Allocations Summary at the bottom of the screen. You must repeat this process for each benefit you elect to enroll in medical, dental, and/or vision.
  5. Once you have completed each elected healthcare benefit in Step 4, click Return to Benefits Enrollment in the middle of the page to return to the Benefits Enrollment menu.

Health Benefits Summary

Summary for 2025

  1. Click on Step 5.
  2. Review your elections and enrolled dependents for each benefit.
  3. Confirm and click all of the check mark boxes.
  4. Submit your elections by clicking the Submit button that populates once you’ve clicked all the boxes.
  5. Once you click the Submit button, a message that says “Thank you for completing your enrollment” will appear. Once this message appears, you can click the Close button.

Congratulations, and thank you for completing your enrollment!