Holiday closure

Winter Break: Monday, December 23 through Wednesday, January 1
Wright State University administrative and academic offices will be closed.


What's New

On this page:

2021 Updates

WINGS Express Finance Translator Enhancements

The anticipated WINGS Express Finance Translator enhancements become available Feb 2021.  The new version (in PageBuilder instead of Grails) provides additional inputs and outputs, including active/inactive status and effective date.  For additional details, please see Chapter 2: Translator.

2020 Updates

WINGS Express Finance Transaction Detail Report Enhancements

The anticipated WINGS Express Finance Transaction Detail Report enhancements rolled out November 17.  The new report version runs faster, provides additional inputs, and has new functionality for the outputs.  For additional details, please see Chapter 5: Financial Data Queries, Transaction Detail.

WINGS New 1903xx Funds

Three new funds are created for annual allocation of expenses within the university for Data Processing, Telecomm, etc.  These funds are 190300 Dayton Campus, 190301 Lake Campus, and 190302 School of Medicine.  (Using Query Budget with fund 190%00, 190%01, 190%02 will include both the University-budgeted operating funds 190000 Dayton, 190001 Lake, 190002 BSOM as well as the new funds for allocations of expenses.)

WINGS Express Finance Balance Available Report

The (updated) Grails version of the Balance Available Report is the sole version now available. There had been 2 links/versions available in parallel the last few years. This new version will be compatible with our Banner vendor's new self-service platform which will roll out in the future. For additional details regarding the Balance Available Report, see Chapter 6.

2019 Updates

WINGS Express Finance eFolder: viewing attachments after Xtender upgrade 7/31/19

Users having eFolder access will notice a change in the pop-up viewer window that appears when they drill thru to view an attachment. The Xtender upgrade viewer window has a new look and works better with browsers other than Internet Explorer.

With the upgrade, it’s possible an error message may appear when a user is trying to view an attachment that includes pages for funds or orgs for which they don’t have Finance access. If this occurs, please contact your Business Manager to review your access needs.

2018 Updates

Wiki moves to Controller's Office web page

Our WINGS Express Finance wiki moves from to the Controller's Office web page at The web page format provides larger screenshots & permits for easier searching on the web. Links from WINGS Express Finance into the wiki will be updated during summer semester.

Chrome River system feeds to Finance starting March 2018

WSU goes live with the Chrome River system for procard charges as well as employee travel and reimbursement. As the phased roll-out by area occurs, you will notice:

  • Procard charges stop posting on Journal Vouchers with PR prefix, and instead post with TJ% prefix as cardholders submit procard charges on Chrome River expense reports.
  • Travel PreApprovals fed from Chrome River will encumber in Finance via TN% Journal Vouchers, with encumbrances that start with TR%. The transaction description will display traveler name with some trip details.
  • Employee expense reimbursements fed from Chrome River will post as IR% invoices, instead of the current IT% invoices created from paper travel expense reports.

All employees will have access to the Chrome River system. For more details about Chrome River, please see the link on the Controller's Office web page.

2017 Updates

Available Balance Checking Updates

Since our initial conversion to Banner in July 2005, we have had the Available Balance calculation set to Warning. These warning messages appeared for Journal Vouchers, WrightBuy Requisitions (on the History tab), & other Finance documents.

Starting in calendar 2017, Purchasing began manually reviewing the Warning messages on WrightBuy requisitions and returning/rejecting those for unrestricted funds.

Beginning in July 2017 (fiscal year 2018), the settings will be changed so that:

  • Instead of a Warning message for all Finance docs, an Error will occur for funds 190000, 190001, 190002, and various 4xxxxx for Requisitions & Purchase Orders only when there are not sufficient funds in the account pool involved in the purchase. (In WrightBuy, the Requisition will automatically reject in the first workflow step & will not continue on through approvals.)
  • Messages will no longer appear for Journal Vouchers or Invoices for any funds.
  • The Query Budget > Pending Documents list will only include Requisitions & Purchase Orders (not Journal Vouchers, Invoices, etc). Journal Vouchers, Invoices, etc will need to be posted in order to update the Available Balance. Since Reqs & POs are created in WrightBuy, we don't expect many docs to appear in the Pending list going forward in FY18. For additional details, please see Chapter 5: Financial Data Queries, Viewing Pending Documents

Cost-recovery account codes (e.g. 737930) will be pulled out into separate account pools so that any credits do not impact the other account codes in the related pool (e.g. supplies).

The Expense and Transfer Account pdf file in the Documents section of this wiki is now updated.

2016 Updates

Balance Available Report Enhanced & rewritten in Grails

A new "Updated" report link was added on the Finance menu page in June. The new version provides more functionality for both the fund-org list as well as the output reports. Please see the Balance Available Report section of Chapter 6 Available Balance, scrolling down to the UPDATED section, for details. The older non-Grails report will be retained for a couple of months & then removed.

New Chapter 13 for Uploads

A new Chapter 13 Uploads is now added for details about uploading data into Banner.

WINGS Express Finance Menu to 1-page layout

For ease in navigating, the WINGS Express Finance menu goes from 2-pages to 1-page, links are grouped by general category, and WrightBuy access is now single sign on. Note that any links appearing in the Targeted Services section at the bottom left are links requiring separate access rights, so the links in this section won't appear the same for all users.

General Ledger Report Updated

The GL Report is updated to provide more flexible input parameters, drill-down to underlying documents, export to Excel, and enhanced performance as it now runs against our Operational Data Store (ODS). For additional details, please see Chapter 9 General Ledger Report.

System Enhancement to Improve Performance

Wright State's December upgrade to Oracle 12c in December provided a new tool to enhance performance. Some of our largest Finance data tables (fgbtrnd, fgbtrnh, ftvfund, fgbopal) were placed in "memory" status in Feb to improve query performance.

Disapproved Journal Vouchers removed on 3rd weekday

In order to provide more accurate Available Balances, Journal Vouchers with rule codes BT2, BT4, J16 which have been disapproved are now removed in the evening of the 3rd weekday they are in disapproved/incomplete status. Once it is removed, the JV itself can no longer be viewed but the View Document > Approval History remains which displays the approver/disapprover actions.

2009–2015 Updates

Updates from this time period can be viewed in the PDF archive file linked below.

2009–2015 What's New Archive (PDF)