CaTS | Information Technology

Announcing Office 365 Sites

On January 26, 2015, Office 365 Sites will become publicly available to all university faculty, staff, and students. Office 365 Sites are online communities supporting university organizations, projects and other Wright State-related functions.  Within these Office 365 sites/communities, you can then share files, calendars, and other important information with any other members of the site, just as you may have in the past with WINGS Group Studio.

Office 365 Sites are a great choice if you want to share information for longer periods of time. For example, you may want to create an Office 365 site for your department, college, or committee.

To browse available sites for membership, or to request your own site, simply log in to your Office 365 Outlook Web App (the online version of your email, calendar, etc.) and click on the “Sites” button on the top toolbar.

To learn more about Office 365 sites, including information on how to request a site, see our documentation website available at Also note that CaTS will be soon be offering training for Office 365
Sites. Watch your inbox for dates and more information.

If you have any questions, please contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827, or toll free at 1-888-775-4827.