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Curriculog Curriculum Management Software

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About Curriculog Curriculum Management Software

Curriculog is the curricular workflow system that follows the university curricular approval procedures. See official university policies 4201 and 4202 for details.

Available To

Faculty, staff

Getting Started

Login to Curriculog


Click the Login button in the top righthand corner


Login using your campus 'w' username and password

Usage Instructions

Opening Up a Proposal


Log in to Curriculog at


Click 'New Proposal'


Select the appropriate proposal (i.e. undergraduate course, graduate course, etc.)


Click the 'check' to the right of the proposal title to begin the proposal

Modify Course/Program Proposal

The order of completion for modifications is important to be able to track changes


For course or program modifications, after identifying the course or program in the proposal, begin by importing the course data using the import button


After importing, complete the required fields, as well as information pertaining to your proposal, such as information on undergraduate core, honor, or integrated writing courses


After completing the required fields, launch the proposal (you will still be able to make edits to the proposal after it is launched. It will not move to the next step until you formally make this decision)

Do not make any modifications to the proposal until you launch the proposal, otherwise changes will not be tracked


Make the modifications to the course/program (after launching). 

Note: you can view the changes you make using the User Tracking option of 'Show current with markup'


If you must complete the proposal at another time, your work will be saved and available under 'My Proposals' and you may continue to complete the proposal


When the proposal is ready to move to the next approver, go to the 'Proposal Toolbox' on the right column and select the 'Check' mark to make a decision. Choose 'Approve' to complete this step


As the originator, you can track the status of this proposal under 'My Proposals' as it moves through the approval process

New Course/Program Proposal


Complete the required fields and information pertaining to your specific proposal request

Note: if you are unable to complete the proposal in one sitting, it will be saved under the 'My Proposals' tab on the top left-hand corner of the screen for a future session. Choose 'Edit' to continue completing the proposal. All required fields must be completed to move to the next step

Hint: it is not necessary for originator edits to be tracked for new courses/programs, so delay launching the proposal until the proposal is ready to move to the next step for approval


Launch the proposal when the proposal is complete (you may still make changes to your proposal, but they will now be tracked)


When the proposal is ready to move to the next approver, go to the 'Proposal Toolbox' in the right column and select the 'Check' mark to make a decision. Choose 'Approve' to complete this step


As the originator, you can track the status of this proposal under 'My Proposals' as it moves through the approval process

Deactivate Course/Program Proposal


Complete the required fields and information pertaining to your specific proposal request

Note: if you are unable to complete the proposal in one sitting, it will be saved under the 'My Proposals' tab on the top left-hand corner of the screen for a future session. Choose 'Edit' to continue completing the proposal. All required fields must be completed to move to the next step

Hint: It is not necessary for originator edits to be tracked for deactivating courses/programs, so delay launching the proposal until the proposal is ready to move to the next step for approval


Launch the proposal when the proposal is complete (you may still make changes to your proposal, but they will now be tracked)


When the proposal is ready to move to the next approver, go to 'Proposal Toolbox' in the right column and select the 'Check' mark to make a decision. Choose 'Approve' to complete this step


As the originator, you can track the status of this proposal under 'My Proposals' as it moves through the approval process


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