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Information About Campus Windows 11 Upgrade

Monday, May 13, 2024

Wright State will soon begin the migration from Windows 10 to Windows 11 for both Dayton and Lake Campuses.

Windows 11 is the latest operating system released by Microsoft and features primarily cosmetic differences from Windows 10. This transition is necessary due to Microsoft's planned end of support of Windows 10 in October 2025.

All newly purchased or reconfigured university-owned Windows computers will now be deployed with Windows 11.

What should I do?

  • Existing university-owned Windows computers should be upgraded to Windows 11. On May 13, an update will be available to Windows users through Software Center under the ‘Operating Systems’ tab. Please expect up to 2 hours of downtime for your machine – you are encouraged to start the upgrade when leaving for the day to minimize the impact.
  • Windows 11 does have hardware requirements that need to be met for the upgrade to be successful.  If these are not met, the upgrade may fail, but leave Windows 10 unimpacted and you may continue to use the computer.  If you experience problems with the upgrade, please contact the Help Desk so that CaTS can determine the best resolution to the problem and move you to Windows 11.

What if I Work Remote?

  • In order to upgrade to Windows 11 off-campus, individuals must first connect to the Wright State VPN. After connecting to the VPN, you will be able to access the update through Software Center. Instructions for connecting to the VPN can be found at
  • If you have questions or issues upgrading your machine, please contact the CaTS Help Desk at 937-775-4827.
  • Please note, VDIs are always considered on-campus, even when you are connecting to them from off-campus.

What about Computer Labs and Classrooms?

  • All existing computer labs and Registrar-scheduled classroom instructor workstations on both the Dayton and Lake Campuses will be upgraded during the Summer 2024 Semester and will be completed by the beginning of the Fall 2024 Semester.
  • All Registrar-scheduled electronic classrooms will now run Windows 11.

What about Virtual Machines (VDIs)?

  • If you use a Persistent VDI, you can also perform the upgrade using Software Center.  Your VDI will disconnect, and deny connections until the upgrade is completed.  Please allow at least 2 hours before contacting the Help Desk if unable to re-connect.
  • If you use an Instant Clone VDI, CaTS will be upgrading these centrally and the upgrade process will be seamless to the user.

What if I do not Upgrade?

  • It is recommended that users initiate the upgrade on their own so that they can best avoid and manage any downtime.  If upgrades are not completed by October 2024, CaTS will begin to initiate automatic upgrades on computers.
  • If you believe that your computer cannot or should not be upgraded, please contact CaTS to discuss your concerns prior to the initiation of automatic upgrades.


If you have any questions, please contact the CaTS Help Desk at 937-775-4827, or

Secure File Share Now Available to Employees!

Monday, May 13, 2024

Secure File Share, the replacement for ProofPoint’s SecureShare, is now live for Wright State employees!

What is Secure File Share?
Secure File Share is a secure SharePoint site that allows you to securely share files with other people, both inside and outside the university. The files are stored for a temporary amount of time (typically 30 days), and are then deleted from the system. Files are encrypted while they are stored on SharePoint, and also during transfer.

You can access Secure File Share at

Important Notes:

  • ProofPoint SecureShare will no longer be available beginning June 21, 2024.
  • Any files stored on ProofPoint SecureShare will be deleted and cannot be recovered. CaTS recommends downloading any files you need to keep from the existing SecureShare before June 15, 2024.
  • If you are maintaining or providing documentation that may reference the Proofpoint SecureShare service, please ensure it has been updated to include the new Sharepoint Secure File Share service process.

Additional information about Secure File Share, including instructions on how to share files using this new service, can be found at

If you have any questions, please contact the CaTS Help Desk at 937-775-4827, or

SecureShare Discontinuation and ProofPoint Transition of Services

Friday, April 26, 2024

In this article:

Earlier this year CaTS was notified that ProofPoint’s SecureShare, our current secure file-sharing service, is being discontinued this Summer. With the elimination of SecureShare, ProofPoint’s service offerings were no longer as attractive.  As a result, we are migrating away from ProofPoint products in favor of software already in our portfolio.

This migration will consist of several modifications to email processing and the transition to a Microsoft 365-based file-sharing portal. The impact on email processing and file sharing will be minimal.  

Service Transition Timeline

  • May 1st, 2024: 
    • New Secure File Share opened for testing to individual employees
  • June 3rd, 2024:
    • The ProofPoint anti-spam administration portal is being switched to Microsoft.
    • The ProofPoint daily spam digest is being switched to Microsoft.
    • External message tag on email will look different.
    • The backend Malicious/Spam/Junk email engine is being switched.
    • Spam defense URL will change from ProofPoint to a Microsoft URL.
  • June 15th, 2024:
    • Last chance to download data from ProofPoint’s SecureShare
  • June 20th, 2024: 
    • SharePoint Secure File Share Portal officially launches.
    • ProofPoint Anti-Spam portal goes offline
    • ProofPoint SecureShare portals goes offline.
    • Corresponding URLs will be redirected to the new services.
  • June 30th, 2024: 
    • Project Completes

SharePoint Secure File Share to Replace ProofPoint SecureShare

With the elimination of ProofPoint SecureShare, Wright State members will now be able to utilize SharePoint's Secure File Share to share sensitive documents with others, both inside and outside of the university. 

What is Secure File Share?

Secure File Share is a secure SharePoint site that allows you to securely share files with other people, both inside and outside the university. The files are stored for a temporary amount of time (typically 30 days) and are then deleted from the system. Files are encrypted while they are stored on SharePoint, and also during transfer.  

You can access Secure File Share at

Who can use Secure File Share?

At this time, all individual Wright State employees can utilize the new Secure File Share service. You can also request a Library be set up for a Microsoft Group by submitting the CaTS Online Communities request.

When will ProofPoint SecureShare go away?

ProofPoint SecueShare will be officially replaced with SharePoint's Secure File Share on June 20th, 2024. CaTS strongly recommends downloading any files currently stored in SecureShare by June 15th, 2024. Any files stored in SecureShare will be deleted once this service is discontinued on June 20th. 

When is it Appropriate to use Secure File Share?

Secure File Share should only be used for sharing files that contain confidential data. The University Data Classification and Risk Matrix provides more information to help determine the type of restricted data your document may contain, and how best to share/transfer the file to another individual. For standard file sharing services, individuals should use Microsoft OneDrive.

How do I use the new Secure File Share service? 

Requesting a Secure File Share Library (Individual Employees)

  1. Log in to
  2. Click 'Request your Secure File Share Library'
  3. Review the Wright State University IT Security Policy, select 'Yes' and hit 'Submit'
  4. Your Secure File Share Library will be automatically set up (this process takes under a minute), and will appear in the 'Files shared with you' menu on the bottom half of the Secure File Share homepage

Sharing a File or Folder

  1. Log in to
  2. Open your Document Library by clicking your name in the 'Files shared with you' menu on the bottom half of the Secure File Share homepage
  3. Upload the file(s) or folder(s) into the Document Library by either dragging/dropping them or by clicking 'Upload' at the top of your Library
  4. Right-click or click the '...' menu to the right of the file or folder name
  5. Choose Share from the menu, and enter the email address of the person or Group you wish to share your file with

Important Notes:

  • If you request a file, be sure to follow up with the user.  These are classified as spam by many providers because they're asking the user to provide information to an unknown point.
  • Links to anonymous users are valid for 30 days.
  • Files collected in this site can be moved or copied to any other SharePoint site where you have access to do so and permission to store that particular data; just select the files or folders and choose Move or Copy at the top.  There is no requirement to download in between.

Discontinuation of ProofPoint Anti-Spam Service

In addition to ProofPoint SecureShare being discontinued, the Anti-Spam service will also be discontinued on June 30th, 2024. After this date, you will no longer receive a daily ‘End User Digest’ email from

Important Notes:

  • ‘Blocked Senders’ and ‘Safe Senders’ lists in ProofPoint will be deleted once this service is discontinued. To request an extract of your current list(s), please click here
  • Blocked/safe sender lists saved in the Microsoft Web App, Outlook Client, or other email clients outside of ProofPoint will NOT be deleted.
  • After June 30th, existing quarantined emails within ProofPoint will be deleted and spam will be filtered into the ‘Junk Email’ folder.

Important Information About Exporting Final Grades from Pilot to Banner

Thursday, December 14, 2023

When attempting to export grades from Pilot to Banner, some Faculty members may receive an error message indicating the process has failed. In most cases, the grade push was actually successful, despite Pilot showing a ‘false failure’ notification.

Please follow the steps below to determine if your attempted grade export was successful:

  1. Log into your course in Pilot, and push your grades to Banner
  2. In WINGSExpress, verify if the grade push was successful (instructions for verifying grades)
  3. If any student grades did NOT go through, attempt to push them again from Pilot
  4. Verify if the second attempted grade push in WINGS Express was successful
  5. If the push is still unsuccessful, manually add your grades in WINGS Express (instructions for submitting grades)

Find more detailed instructions on exporting Pilot grades to Banner. If you have any questions or need further assistance, contact the CaTS Help Desk at 937-775-4827, or

WINGS Beta Updates - 12/6/23

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

CaTS continues to make new updates to WINGS Beta in preparation for the WINGS Portal homepage transition taking place on 12/18:

  • Announcements are now up and running in WINGS Beta! You can now request Announcements from the homepage of WINGS Beta, and filter which Announcements you see based on campus (Dayton or Lake), and your role at the University (faculty, student, and/or staff).
  • The new Financial Aid module is now live for eligible students and employees.

WINGS Beta Updates - 10/2/23

Monday, October 2, 2023

CaTS values our customers opinions regarding the new WINGS Beta portal, and has made the following updates based on the feedback submitted:

  • A link to the Campus Maps page has been added to the Campus Involvement section; both Dayton and Lake Campus maps are now available on the linked page. 
  • Bad/broken link to ChromeRiver has been fixed.
  • Resolved an issue in the SharePoint app for Android, where an error message appears when clicking on a link in WINGS Beta.

New WINGS Beta Portal Now Available!

Friday, September 22, 2023

Today, CaTS is unveiling a new look for the WINGS web portal. The new version of WINGS is designed with improved mobile features, better audience targeting, and is integrated with our Microsoft 365 environment.

The new version of WINGS will be piloted in parallel with the current version of WINGS. The current version of WINGS will be the portal main page until December 18th, 2023. On that date, the current version of WINGS will be set as an optional view and the new version of WINGS will be the portal main page.  On June 1st, 2024, current WINGS will be officially retired and taken offline.

Please visit the new WINGS page and provide your feedback via the on page button labeled “Tell us what you think about the new WINGS Portal!” To read more about WINGS Beta, including new features and benefits, visit

If you have any questions, please contact the CaTS Help Desk at 937-775-4827, or

Information Security Training Now Available in Pilot!

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

CaTS is excited to announce a new Information Security training course is now available in Pilot!

Over the past several years, there has been an increasing number of scammers attempting to gain access to our private, online information. CaTS has put together some information to help better protect yourself from these online threats; you can access this training at

We hope you find this information useful in helping to protect yourself online. If you have any questions, please contact the CaTS Help Desk at 937-775-4827 or  

Fall Semester Training Opportunities for Faculty

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The CaTS ITS team is offering a variety of training opportunities open to faculty members for the upcoming Fall Semester. Available workshops include:

  • Classroom Equipment Training
  • Webex/Panopto Training
  • Pilot Training

To view a list of available workshops, and to register for a session, please visit

If you have any questions, please contact the CaTS Help Desk at 937-775-4827 or

We look forward to seeing you!

Updates to Pilot Services

Thursday, July 20, 2023

On 7/28/23, three key updates will be made to the Quiz Creation, Discussions, and Quiz Timing tools in Pilot. 

Quizzes – The New Quiz Creation Experience is now universally enabled

The new Quiz Creation tool is now enabled by default. The following video details the changes you will notice when using this new feature:

The New Quiz Creation Experience

Additional details about the new Quiz Creation tool include:

Common Page Layout

  • The primary panel on the left contains common, frequently used fields that are always displayed. These fields are most relevant to learners and are core to topic creation.
  • The right-hand panel organizes additional, more advanced options such as start and end dates, and release conditions.

For those who haven't already started using it, some of the key feature updates include:

  • When you create a quiz, the layout of the page will be different -- more user friendly.
  • Settings that used to be spread across several different tabs at the top of the page, are now found by clicking expandable boxes to the right.

Discussions - The New Creation Experience - Enabled by Default with an Opt-out Option

The Create and Edit screens have been redesigned in a workflow similar to Quizzes, New Content and Assignments (Dropbox). (See Common Page Layout above)

To opt-out of the new Discussions experience, follow these steps:

  1. At the top of your Topic page, click the dropdown arrow
  2. Selecting "Turn It Off" will refer your Discussion creation to the Classic layout.

Quizzes – Update to Quiz Timing Improvements 

Several improvements to the Quiz Timing tool will soon be available, from both the instructor and student perspectives. Below is a short video about these improvements highlighting these improvements:  

Quiz Timing Improvements

From an Instructor Perspective

For time enforced quizzes:

  • The Grace Period feature has been removed. Many considered it confusing and not useful.
  • Prevent the student from making further changes has been removed and replaced with Automatically Submit the Quiz Attempt. This hands in the quiz at the end of the set time.
  • Allow students to continue working has been removed and replaced with Flag the attempt as exceeded time limit and allow learner to continue working.

From a Student Perspective

  • Visible timer with an option to show or hide it.
  • Warnings displayed at certain times, depending on the length of the quiz time limit.
  • Option added to view the quiz instructions without leaving the quiz.
  • Simplified Quiz Results (former known as Submission View)
