CaTS | Information Technology

Attention Faculty: Enhancements to Electronic Classrooms

CaTS would like to make you aware of some of the changes you will see to electronic classrooms this fall quarter. If you have questions about any of these items, please contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827 or 1-888-775-4827.

1) Classroom Video Projectors MUTE Button Timeout Function

CaTS wants to remind all instructors that most video projectors located in electronic classrooms have a button called MUTE that, when pressed, hides what is displayed on the instructor’s computer from the rest of the class. In many cases, this MUTE button functionality is set to timeout after 24 minutes, meaning after that time period has elapsed, the image currently shown on the instructor’s computer will reappear on the classroom video projector screen.

Further instructions on using the MUTE button are available on Quick Start Guides placed near the instructor station in these classrooms. Please note: some electronic classrooms do not have the 24 minute timeout function enabled. After pressing the MUTE button, the image will not reappear until the instructor manually presses the button again. Quick Start Guides located in these classrooms will tell you whether or the timeout function is enabled.

2) ELMO Document Cameras

ELMO document cameras give an instructor the ability to project and display any type of printed document onto the wall of their classroom. Unlike traditional overhead projectors, clear acetate film is not required, and the ELMO document camera is much smaller and provides better functionality and flexibility to the user. The CaTS Classroom Technology Support office has installed some of these document cameras onto teaching stations in several university classrooms. Instructions on using document cameras are attached to the product itself in these classrooms.

To see if your assigned classroom for fall quarter is equipped with an ELMO document camera, please contact CTS at x3162. If it is not, an order can be placed at that time for an ELMO to be delivered to your classroom on as-needed basis.

3) Mac Mini Workstations Now Installed in Electronic Classrooms

Many of the university’s Registrar-scheduled electronic classrooms at one time had both Windows and Macintosh computers at the instructor station. All of these classrooms have now been upgraded to a single Mac Mini workstation that is capable of running both Windows 7 and Macintosh OS X. These workstations have been mounted on the top of the podium and when powered up or restarted will present the user with an operating system selection screen (Windows or Macintosh). A keyboard has been installed with these new workstations that provide both Windows and Macintosh-specific keys. There are also additional USB extension cables provided with the workstations which will allow for the connection of devices such as external hard drives, cameras and scanners. It is recommended (but not required) that users attach USB devices to these extension cables for optimal performance of the device.

4) Windows 7 & Active Directory in the Electronic Classrooms

For fall quarter 2011, CaTS has deployed both Windows 7 Service Pack 1 and the Active Directory file system to all CaTS-managed public computing areas and electronic classrooms. You’ll likely notice a few changes to where software is located. The Start Menu structure has changed to show the default installation folders, groups and icons of applications that are installed automatically with Windows. Wright State specific software will now be listed in a special group at the top of the All Programs menu. For more information, review the “Electronic Classroom Quick Start Guide” located near the podium in your assigned classroom. CaTS greatly appreciates the support and cooperation of our users as we begin to use this new technology, and welcome any feedback you can provide.

5) Information on RaiderMail, WSU’s New Email Service for Students

This summer and fall, Wright State University is launching RaiderMail, a brand new student email system with lots of features that students have been asking for. RaiderMail, which is built on the Microsoft Live@edu services, gives students a 10 GB inbox, the ability to collaborate on class and club projects, have remote access to documents, and more. New and existing student email addresses will retain the current format of

Although faculty and staff will not have accounts on RaiderMail, we’d still like you to be aware that you may hear students talking about the new email service, and that any emails you receive from them will come via this new system. Please note, though, that this will not affect your email inbox or change how you communicate through email with your students. If you have any questions concerning the transition to RaiderMail, please contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827.