Beginning in the Fall 2012 Semester, CaTS will begin locking the doors to all electronic classrooms by 11:59 p.m. Monday through Thursday and by 9:00 p.m. on Friday. This change is being made to address recent security concerns, along with a need to have classroom technology ready to use for faculty/instructional use each morning. These steps will help to make the classrooms more secure and easier to use.
Please make note that three electronic classrooms in the basement of Millett Hall (002, 009, and 028) will be left open for students or student groups that need to use them for academic purposes. In addition, there are 10 24-hour computer labs across campus that students can use. These labs are located in 042 and 058 Dunbar Library, 008, 012, 016, and 026 Library Annex, 039 and 043 Millett Hall, and 064 and 072 Rike Hall.
Any student or student group that wishes to use an electronic classroom other than those listed above must contact the Student Union Administrative Office (x5522) in advance to make a reservation. Any classrooms that have been scheduled through the Student Union Administrative Office or the Registrar for evening or weekend usage will be left unlocked by CaTS. If a door is inadvertently locked, a call can be placed to the Help Desk at (937) 775-4827 and a representative will come to unlock the door.