The Help Desk was recently notified of an email phishing scam that
targets Wright State students, faculty, and staff. This scam, which may
have a subject line titled "(Important) changes to how you sign in with
Outlook", is created to look like an official email from Microsoft.
Within the email, you are told that changes have been made to how you
access your Outlook account, and that you need to click a "School Access
Portal" link to try out the new changes.
Please be aware that this is a scam and not an official email from
Microsoft, CaTS, or Wright State. Do not click on the links provided in
the email or give out your Office 365 username and password.
If you have any questions about this scam, or if you have already
clicked the links and entered your account information, please contact
the CaTS Help Desk immediately. You can reach us at (937) 775-4827, or
toll free at 1-888-775-4827.