CaTS | Information Technology

JAMF/Casper: Self-Service Software Installation for Macs

Windows users

Software Center is your way to access self-service software installations for Windows machines on the Wright State domain. 

On this page:

About JAMF/Casper

  • JAMF/Casper is a software program on the Mac that allows for the delivery of Mac software over the Wright State Network. JAMF/Casper is similar to Software Center on Windows.
  • JAMF/Casper allows for self-service software installations.
  • JAMF/Casper allows CaTS to report usage of software to optimize licensing costs.

Mac Users: JAMF/Casper is ONLY available for Univeristy-owned computers.

Available Software

Below is a list of all available software through JAMF/Casper. For a complete list of all software available for University purposes, visit the University Software page.

Self Service


Open your Applications folder.


Click on the Self Service icon.

screen capture of the applications window with casper self service icon


Login with your campus "w" username and password. 

Installing Software


Open JAMF/Casper and login with your campus "w" username and password. 


Select the software you want to install. Click Install on the pop-up screen.


The software will automatically begin installing. You can check the progress of the installation at the top of the Self-Service screen.