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CaTS Blog

Wright State Websites Now Working

Monday, October 20, 2014

As of 11:45am, all websites are now available. If you are still experiencing issues, please contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937)775-4827.

Current Issues with Wright State Websites

Monday, October 20, 2014

As of 10:50am, Monday, October 20, access to websites under the domain are unavailable or loading very slowly. CaTS is aware of this issue and technicians are working to resolve the problem. We will notify the university when a resolution has been found.

Information on 10/17/14 Network Outage

Friday, October 17, 2014

On Friday, 10/17/14, at approximately 9:04 a.m., the Wright State network experienced a brief slowdown that lasted around 15 minutes. Our records indicate the network was under a denial of service (DoS) attack designed to overwhelm and slow down the network. At approximately 11:00am, CaTS implemented its first measure to protect the campus from such attacks. If you have questions please call the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827.

Wireless Connection Emergency Maintenance

Friday, October 17, 2014

At approximately at 10:35am, CaTS will be taking down the "WSU_Secure"
and "WSU_EZ_Connect" wireless connections. This outage will last approximately 5-10 minutes.

Information on 10/13/14 Network Outage

Monday, October 13, 2014

On Monday, 10/13/14, at approximately 3:25 p.m., the Wright State network experienced a brief slowdown that lasted around 15 minutes. Our records indicate the network was under a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack designed to overwhelm and slow down the network. CaTS is currently working to implement additional defenses to help reduce the effects of such attacks.

If you have questions please call the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827.

Update on Outlook Web App Search Issues

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The following information is an update from Microsoft concerning search issues within Outlook Web App.

  • Current Status: The deployment process is approximately 92% complete at this time, and is expected to finish in the next 8-9 hours. Affected customers will begin to see mitigation of the issue as the deployment progresses.
  • Customer Impact: Affected customers are experiencing problems with the search function within OWA.
  • Workaround: As a workaround, customers can use the search function in Outlook Online mode or can enable the 'Conversations' setting in OWA.
  • Percent of Users Affected: Customers experiencing this issue may see all of their users affected.
  • Incident Start Time: Monday, October 6, 2014, at 1:07 AM UTC
  • Preliminary Root Cause: A recent update to the environment has impacted OWA search functionality.
  • Next Update: Tuesday, October 7, 2014, at 4:00 PM UTC

Outlook Web App: Issues with Search

Monday, October 6, 2014

Microsoft Engineers are investigating reports of an issue in which some customers are experiencing problems with the Outlook Web App (OWA) search feature. Engineers have ruled out indexing as the cause of the issue and have identified that a recent update to the environment has impacted the search functionality in the Outlook Web App (OWA). Engineers are continuing to develop a fix to remediate impact. Once the fix has been developed and tested, it will be deployed across the affected environment.

Workaround: As a workaround, customers can use the search function in Outlook Online mode or can enable 'Conversations' setting in OWA.

Your Wright State App Questions Answered

Monday, October 6, 2014

This page answers the most common questions asked about the Wright State app through the app's feedback form. You can also find the satisfaction rates for the app, based on numbers from the feedback form. If you have the app and would like to submit feedback, simply tap on the "Feedback" link under the "Services" menu.

Satisfaction Rates

As of September 3, 2014, CaTS has received 175 completed feedback forms. Here are the satisfaction ratings from that feedback.

Very Satisfied: 59

Satisfied: 87

Neutral: 22

Unsatisfied: 6

Very Unsatisfied: 1


CaTS News for Faculty - Fall 2014

Friday, October 3, 2014

CaTS would like to make you aware of some of the changes happening around campus during fall quarter. If you have questions about any of these items, please contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827 or 1-888-775-4827.


Student Advantage

Did you know that students can now download Microsoft Office for free? With the Student Advantage product, all students (and faculty/staff who are also students), can download Microsoft Office 2013 Pro Plus or Office Mac 2011 for free on up to five laptop or desktop computers, AND up to five mobile devices. The software is a subscription service that is free while they are a student. In your interactions with students, please consider encouraging them to take advantage of this program. It’s a valuable benefit that can help make their academic life just a little bit easier. More information is available at the following website: Office 365 Student Advantage.



Looking for a way to share secure files within the university? CaTS encourages you to check out FileLocker, a secure file storage system recently implemented at Wright State. FileLocker allows you to share files with other people securely using your campus “w” username and password.

Documents saved in Filelocker can be sent within WSU to other faculty and staff, as well as to individuals outside of the WSU community. There’s also an option to password protect your files for added security if sending to someone outside of Wright State.

The documents in Filelocker are encrypted during transmission and storage and are automatically deleted 30 days after being uploaded. To begin using Filelocker, visit:

For FileLocker usage instructions, please visit the following website:


New Switcher in Classrooms

As part of CaTS’ commitment to employing current technology in the classroom, the following classrooms have been upgraded to include HDMI capability over the summer break. As such, the video projector controller (switcher) is now a touchscreen panel located on the top of the teaching station. All controls will function just as they had with the old switcher that was mounted inside the teaching station. Please see the Wall Mounted Reference Guide (located in the classroom) for further instructions.

List of rooms:
210 Allyn
219 Allyn
225 Allyn
229 Allyn
240 Allyn
242 Allyn
261 Allyn
270 Allyn
302 Allyn
410 Allyn
494 Allyn
103 Bio Sci
105 Bio Sci
M252 CAC
035 Med Sci
125 Med Sci
127 Med Sci
129 Med Sci
141 Med Sci
143 Med Sci
145 Med Sci
005 LX

Things to Remember:

  • Touch-screen panel operates the video projector.
  • Panel is located on top of teaching station.
  • Select input (Laptop, Computer, Blu-Ray, etc.) to transfer image to projection screen.
  • Please turn video projector off when finished.


Document Cameras on Carts in Classrooms

Over the summer CaTS placed document cameras on carts in five classrooms to test their usability. These classrooms are 103OH, 303OH, 202MM, 125MS, and 154RK. If you are in one of these classrooms, we would appreciate any feedback on your experience with the document camera on a cart. Please send your feedback to

Things to Remember:

  • These carts have a 10’ cable for more centralized positioning.
  • Document Cameras are NOT connected to the computer at this time. No Tegrity recording can be done with these Doc Cams on carts until further notice.
  • The image from the document camera will only be projected on the screen.
  • Make sure to select the Doc Cam button on the video projector controls (switcher).
  • Training can be scheduled by contacting the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827.


New Mac Minis in Classrooms

Over the summer semester, Mac Mini computers replaced the traditional PCs in all Rike Hall classrooms. They are now mounted on top of the teaching station and must be powered on using a button on the back of the machine. A sticker has been placed on these new Mac Minis to indicate the location of the power button. The Mac Minis will be dual-boot and you can select Mac or Windows by using the directional arrows. 

Helpful resources on the CaTS website include the Equipment Preferences Form, the Classroom Features & Photos and Classroom Equipment Training Videos and Guides for your convenience.  Please take a moment and review this material to enhance your comfort and abilities in the campus classrooms.  If you have any questions, or would like to schedule classroom training of any kind, please contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827.


Urgent: Phishing Scam Notice for 9/30/14

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Help Desk was recently notified of another phishing scam that target students, faculty, and staff of Wright State University. This scam tells you that you logged in to "a different device" with your email, and because of that, your account will be disabled. It then gives a link for you to click on to re-enable your account. The subject line of this message is "Login Device" or something similar.

Please be aware that this message is a scam and is NOT BEING SENT BY CaTS. You should not click on the link or reply to the email. If you do so, your information mauy be sent directly to a scammer. You should delete this message immediately.

Always remember that any email claiming to be from CaTS, Wright State University or another business which asks for your login, personal, or financial information is a definite scam. CaTS, Wright State, and other reputable businesses WILL NEVER ask you for any personal information, such as your username and password, via email. CaTS would also like to emphasize that you should never respond to these emails or click links within them, nor should you give out your personal information to anyone via email.

If you receive an email and are unsure if the message is a scam, feel free to contact the CaTS Help Desk. We can help you determine whether the message is real or not. You can reach us at (937) 775-4827, or toll free at 1-888-775-4827.
