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Phishing Scam Notice: Old Passwords Referenced in Emails

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Phishing scams have taken on a new twist; cybercriminals have recently started using old, exposed passwords from company data breaches in phishing emails.

How Does It Work?

An old password, obtained from a company's data breach, is referenced in a phishing email indicating the user's account has been compromised. Referencing a password that is known by the user is designed to lend credibility to the phishing email making it seem more legitimate. A link is provided for the user to login to what appears to be a Wright State authentication page to get further information. The website is fake, but looks identical to WSU's authentication page. Once the user enters their username and password they are then redirected to the real WSU website. It appears to the user that they must have done something wrong, or typed their password incorrectly. They then login again to gain access to a real WSU site. Of course there is no information on the WSU site since the compromise did not occur on our systems. The user's password and username have now been captured by the scammer.

This is only one scenario; there are many variations that can occur.

It's important to note that CaTS will NOT send a password or ask you to click a link to sign in to our services through an email as directed above. If there is evidence a person's account has been compromised, CaTS will contact you directly. If CaTS is unable to contact you, we will change your password to protect the confidentiality of the account.

If you do recognize a password that has been included in the email, CaTS recommends changing the password for that service (i.e. LinkedIn, Netflix, as well as Wright State accounts).


If you have any questions or receive an email like this, contact the CaTS Help Desk immediately at (937) 775-4827, or email

Updates to Casper Self-Service Portal

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Casper, the Mac OS portal for self-service university software installations, was recently updated. This update features a new user interface and provides the same functionality as the previous version.

What's different:

  • The icon for accessing Casper now has a new look and feel
  • The login screen has been updated; you will still use your campus 'w' username and password to access this service
  • The software installation portal now features a more streamlined user interface, making it easy to search and download software for your university-owned machine


Login Screen:

Casper Login

Software Installation Portal:

Casper Portal

If you have questions about Casper, contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827, or email

New WINGS Express Header

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

WINGS Express now has a new look and feel! Tuesday, September 25 the WINGS Express header was updated to better represent the Wright State brand:

WE header

All functionality for WINGS Express remains the same. For more support using WINGS Express, visit the WINGS Express Support page. 

Important Information About macOS Mojave

Friday, September 21, 2018
apple logo

Please disregard if you are a Windows PC user

Wright State Faculty and Staff macOS users,

Recently, Apple announced their latest Mac operating system update 'Mojave' will be available on Monday, September 24. At this time, certain CaTS applications (i.e. Casper) do not support this latest update for Mac devices.

Please do NOT update your university-owned macOS; CaTS will be testing various applications on new operating system, and will notify campus when it's appropriate to update your system.

If you have questions, contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827, or email


IT Security Update: September 2018

Wednesday, September 19, 2018


Ransomware has been in the news quite a bit lately. Reports about hospitals having to pay a 'ransom' to unlock encrypted files have made the news several times over the past year.

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is malicious software that is typically delivered via an email phishing scam. For example, an infected file attached to an email can install a program that encrypts documents without the user knowing. These small programs also look for any attached USB and network drives (such as our H, K, and R drives), to encrypt documents and backups on those drives. Once encrypted, the documents are no longer usable without a key to decrypt them. 

Where Does 'Ransom' Come In?

For a price, the 'bad guys' will provide you with the key to decrypt your documents. They usually want payment through a non-traceable method, such as electronic currencies like Bitcoin.

How is CaTS Protecting the University Against Ransomware?

The first line of defense is an email protection system that blocks malicious files from reaching your inbox. This solution blocks the majority of ransomware threats, but is not 100% effective due to many variants that are created on a daily basis.

The second line of defense is the antivirus/antimalware program installed on the local computer. Since many individuals on campus don't use our network storage, this protection becomes very important in keeping documents safe from ransomware. To that end, CaTS is deploying SentinelOne, a next generation antivirus/antimalware program that is not only signature based but also uses machine learning and behavior based analysis to detect malicious software. Additionally, SentinelOne protects locally stored documents by creating a protected backup that can be utilized to restore those documents. 

CaTS will be contacting individual departments to arrange installation of SentinelOne on a department by department basis.

As a last line of defense, documents stored on our network storage (H, K, and R drives) can be restored from backups that are performed every night. These backups are not accessible from your computer, therefore, the ransomware cannot encrypt them.


If you've fallen victim to ransomware, shut down your machine and call the CaTS Help Desk immediately. If you have any questions, call us at (937) 775-4827, or email

VDI System Reboot 9/12/18

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Due to a technical issue that occurred earlier this morning, a reboot of the VDI environment is required. The reboot will take place at 8 p.m. tonight, 9/12, and will cause campus VDIs to be unavailable for approximately one hour.

Save any work that you have open and power down your machine prior to the time of the reboot.

If you have any questions, contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827, or email

Update on Adobe Creative Cloud Personal Purchases

Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Adobe Creative Cloud

Wright State Faculty and Staff,

CaTS is aware that Adobe has modified their process requirements to distribute Adobe Creative Cloud software for work at home purposes. This change caused a significant increase in the cost of buying Adobe Creative Cloud software from the Wright State OnTheHub website.

Since becoming aware of this change, CaTS has been working with the appropriate vendors to once again be able to distribute this product for a minimal yearly charge, instead of the standard $20/month educational discount currently being offered. This new contract agreement will also allow students to purchase the software at a discounted price. Prices for faculty, staff and students will be available through OnTheHub when an agreement has been finalized, and will be offered at a significantly decreased rate. CaTS will also notify campus when new pricing options are available.

We understand the frustration this has caused many of you, and are working quickly to correct this issue. If you have further questions, contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827, or email

Systems Restored 8/28/18

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Earlier system connectivity issues with WINGS Express and Banner Admin have been resolved.

If you experience further issues, contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827.

Banner Outage for 8/28/18

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

CaTS is currently experiencing intermittent issues with WINGS Express and Banner Admin. The following services may be temporarily affected:

  • WINGS Express
  • Banner Admin
  • Wright1 Card Services
  • TouchNet
  • Appworx
  • Parking Services
  • WrightBuy
  • Xtender
  • uAchieve/DARS
  • ODS/Cognos

CaTS is actively working on this issue and will notify campus when these services have been fully restored. 

Final Reminder: Fall 2018 Classroom Upgrade Information

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

As previously announced, over the summer CaTS replaced all classroom Mac Minis with Windows-based Dell 5050s. Additionally, all registrar-scheduled classrooms were upgraded to Windows 10. With the exception of 191 Joshi Research Center which will be upgraded on Friday, August 24, all upgrades are now complete. To view the upgrade schedule and additional comments, visit

All classrooms and computer labs were unlocked beginning August 20, Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m., if you wish to test the new equipment. However, rooms may be reserved for both academic and non-academic events, preventing access to those rooms. To confirm room availability, email

To schedule a training session for classroom equipment, contact; a CaTS training representative will contact you shortly to arrange a session in your Fall Semester classroom.

If you have any questions, contact the CaTS Help Desk at (937) 775-4827, or email
